12 plants That Dont Need Sunlight bathroom ideas

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Best Plants You Can Grow Without Sun

Best Plants You Can Grow Without Sun -   12 plants That Dont Need Sunlight bathroom ideas
Don’t have a lot of direct sunlight in your home, but still want to warm your place up with plants? Here’s a list of some foliage that needs little to no sunlight! There are plants that grow without sunlight, they need indirect exposure, some even thrive in fluorescent light and here in this article we’ve listed Best Plants to Grow Indoors. Also Read: Aloe Plant Care http://balconygardenweb.com/how-to-care-for-an-aloe-plant/ 1. Dracaena Dracaena is a beautiful houseplant which you can grow at home. There are about 50 species of it. It’s really an easy to grow plant. 2. Bromeliads Bromeliad is a perfect plant to grow indoors, most of the va