Bathroom vanity makeover with Annie Sloan Chalk Paint

Who knows….but I woke up one day last week and painted the bathroom vanity in our guest bathroom. I am so in love and I can’t believe I waited this long to do it. It only took me an hour. Seriously.

I mixed 3 colors of ASCP to make a custom grey/blue. I mixed Graphite, a dark gray, and Pure White. I also added a touch of Duck Egg into the mix.

The bathroom definitely started out as boring and white. A lot of white. Don’t get me wrong, I love the crisp look of a white room, but it just was feeling blah and I didn’t want our guests to feel that way!

Plus, I’ve always wanted a dark vanity in there against the white tile floors, so ASCP was the best solution. No sanding, priming, or prep work. I just simply wiped it down and started painting. The whole thing seriously took me about an hour.

For a top coat I wanted a very durable, wipeable finish so I chose to paint on 3 coats of Polycrylic.

I used the existing hardware but we did get a new faucet. It’s made by Pfister and it was so easy to install. It took a matter of minutes!

I also opicked up this super cute towel from the Threshold line at Target. Anyone else have a problem when they go into Target…you end up buying WAY more than you planned on??? I swear that store sucks me in!

You can even see a sneak peek at my new shower curtain.

But I’m not ready to show you the whole room yet. I swear this bathroom cabinet adventured snowballed into a whole room makeover. I blame it on Target :)