25 pumpkin pie recipe with real pumpkin video ideas

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Brown Butter Pecan Pie Recipe

Brown Butter Pecan Pie Recipe -   25 pumpkin pie recipe with real pumpkin video ideas
This delicious Southern pecan pie recipe is sweetened with maple syrup instead of corn syrup. This is the way my Grammy always made it. With one exception, she always used Mrs. Butterworth’s syrup. I chose to use real maple syrup! It has all the flavor, none of the corn syrup. It wouldn’t be Thanksgiving at our house without both Pumpkin Pie and this Pecan Pie. My mom would usually make two of each. Of course, we would always have plenty to share with the neighbors. #pecanpie #pierecipes Rich and creamy pumpkin pie truffles made with wholesome ingredients. Grain-free, vegan and paleo-friendly and perfect for just about every occasion.