There are trillions of stars in the universe. Just like it Our sun is also a sta

There are trillions of stars in the universe. Just like it Our sun is also a sta

There are trillions of stars in the universe. Just like it Our sun is also a star having its own systems of planets, moons, asteroids, and comets. The Sun is our closest star. It is a member of the Milky Way galaxy. It spins slowly on its axis as it revolves around the galaxy. It was born in a vast cloud of gas and dust around 4.5 billion years ago. Our Sun is a Gaint Red Ball with full of Hydrogen, Helium and other Gases. Over a period of many millions of years, this gas and dust began to fall into a common center under the force of its own gravity.
At the center, an ever growing body of mass was forming. As the matter fell inward, it generated a tremendous amount of heat and pressure. As it grew, the baby Sun became hotter and hotter. Eventually, when it reached a temperature of around 1 million degrees, its core ignited, causing it to begin nuclear fusion.When this happened, the Sun began producing its own light, heat, and energy.

SunSpots And Solar Wind
On the Sun’s surface, we can see storms. We call these storms “sunspots” because they look like dark spots on the Sun’s surface. The Sun also produces big explosions of energy called solar flares. These flares shoot fast moving particles off the Sun’s surface. These particles can hit the Earth’s atmosphere and cause a glow called an aurora.

The center, or core, of the Sun is very hot. A process called “nuclear fusion” takes place there. Nuclear fusion produces a lot of energy. Some of this energy travels out into space as heat and light. Some of it arrives at Earth! Streams of gas particles known as the solar wind also flow out from the Sun.

Take A Look About Sun
Age of the sun is 4.5 billion years.
Our sun is 100 times bigger than earth.
Our sun is 93 million miles away from earth.
Light from the Sun can reach the Earth incredibily in just 8 minutes.
Surface temperature of the Sun is 6,000В°C
Core Temperature of the sun is 15,000,000В°C
Gravitational Pull = 28 times of the earth

Note: 1 degree Celsius = 274.15 kelvin = 33.8 F (Fahrenheit)