Free Hair Accessory Patterns

Free Hair Accessory Patterns

Let’s sew hair accessories! Here you’ll find a collection of over forty great headband, barrette, and fabric scrunchie patterns and tutorials from all over the web.

Have fun sewing your hair accessories by using colorful fabrics. Or better yet, because hair accessory projects require very little fabric, they can be a great way to use up those little scraps of fabric you have lying around that were leftover from other projects.

And if you’ll be making a stretch headband and working with a knit fabric (or sewing through elastic), just remember to use a ballpoint or stretch needle in your sewing machine (this needle is made to slide between the fibers of your knit fabric instead of piercing them). And sew your seams with a special stretch stitch or a tiny zigzag stitch (if you don’t have a serger) so that your seams will stretch with your fabric.

A few of the projects listed call for working with felt, which can be a great fabric for a beginner to work with because it doesn’t fray and therefore doesn’t need hemming or seam finishing.

And many of these project don’t even require a sewing machine and just call for simple hand-stitching instead.