Best Cardio Workouts

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Best Cardio Workouts

Burn 500 Calories on the Stairclimber

If you consider yourself the queen of the stairclimbing machine, try this boredom-busting calorie burner from Keli Roberts, the group fitness manager at Equinox Fitness Club in Pasadena, California. To avoid cheating on the calorie burn, remember to stand upright with your abdominals firm, and don’t lean into the side rails. To get an even better workout, go hands-free and pump your arms, as if you were running.

Minutes                        RPE
0:00-5:00 Warm up, RPE 4-5.
5:00-10:00 Pick it up, RPE 5-6.
10:00-15:00 Getting warmer, RPE 6-7.
15:00-18:00 Go all out, RPE 8-9.
18:00-21:00 Recover, RPE 5-6.
21:00-51:00 Repeat minutes 15:00-21:00 five more times.
51:00-60:00 Cool down, RPE 3.