Best Cardio Workouts

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Best Cardio Workouts

Get a Bikini Body in 4 Weeks: Rev Up Results Cardio

Burn fat walking, running, or on the elliptical with this cardio routine.

Zap flab in 25 minutes!
5 minutes: Warm up at an easy pace you could sing at (on a scale of 1 to 10, where 1 is lounging and 10 is sprinting, this is a Rate of Perceived Exertion of 3 or 4), working up to a moderate I-can-talk pace (RPE 5).
2 minutes: Take it up a notch (RPE 6).
1 minute: RPE 5
2 minutes: Take it up to RPE 7, where speech gets choppy.
1 minute: RPE 5
3 minutes: Go at a fast pace (RPE 8).
Next: Reverse order, returning to RPE 5 for 1 minute and so on.
Calories burned: 107 (walk) to 278 (run)*
*Calorie burns are based on a 140-pound woman.