Bizarre spectacle! Twisted mothers dressed their daughters’ costumes

The “most famous” fat American mothers have tried out on their own what it is like to be “trained monkeys” in front of the eyes of millions of viewers. Their daughters have gone through it every day for two years.

“I felt so tight in that corset but it was a great fun,” June Shannon, who was styled with her six-year-old daughter, Alana, as “Honey Boo Boo Child.”

Bizarre spectacle! Twisted mothers dressed their daughters’ costumes

Mother 8-year-old Laci had no more enthusiasm for her elastic costume than la Lady Gaga. Asked if she was too young for such a courageous costume, she said, “I do not think she’s wearing anything other than other kids in her age, it’s like wearing any swimsuit.”

Bizarre spectacle! Twisted mothers dressed their daughters’ costumes Honney Boo Boo Child

The famous adult journalist, publicist and television personality Anderson Cooper transformed into the “adult” size of his daughters with the glory and success of the obsessed mommy transformed in his Talk Show.

Bizarre spectacle! Twisted mothers dressed their daughters’ costumes Lady Gaga: Laci Crews (8) with mother Alicia Morgan in turquoise jersey

The women made accurate copies of their daughters’ costumes including wigs and accessories. The aim was to bring them closer to how their half-naked and embarrassed daughters actually felt before the eyes of the fierce jury and the audience.

“We have laughing at Alanou for a while, and we’ll laugh for years, it’s been fun, it’s all about fun,” Jun Shannon added.

Bizarre spectacle! Twisted mothers dressed their daughters’ costumes Pretty Woman: Little Paisley (3) with Mama Wendy Dickey, who puts her into a prostitute’s costume at the age of three.

Asked whether she reassessed her view of beauty contests for children, she said, “I do not think it could change my decision about my girl’s participation in beauty competitions, but this experience will definitely not have any influence on my opinion Alana enjoys this great game, so of course she will compete. ”
Evidently she did not understand anything. The effort of a successful moderator to open up to the “mad” mothers’ eyes has gone astray. The open criticism of millions of parents on these “mother-in-law” mothers said: “For us, women who are going through all the difficult preparations with our daughters are like sports, Alana loves what she does. Baseball or basketball. “