Cute Christmas ornaments

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Cute Christmas ornaments

Button Snowman: Glue three white two-hole buttons (turn top one perpendicular to create eyes) to white felt; trim felt, leaving a ?” edge. Wrap with a piece of rickrack. Cut small hat shape from gray felt and adhere to top with hot-glue. Then glue ribbon behind hat to hang.

String Starbursts: Trace a 2 ?” circle on a 3″ birch slice. Mark eight evenly spaced points around the circle and insert small nails. Wrap embroidery floss around nails, making square and star shapes. Add a nail to the top; tie on a loop of string to hang.

Fabric Tree: Use pinking shears to cut two triangles measuring 4 ?” H ? 2 ?” W from fabric. We used Scoot Fabric ($9/yard; Hot-glue long edges of triangles closed and stuff with batting. Insert cinnamon stick in opening at the bottom of triangles and glue fabric closed around it. Thread a loop of string through the top to hang.