Inexpensive Christmas Decorating Ideas

Inexpensive Christmas Decorating Ideas

Fill a lantern with Christmas ornaments and tie a bow with ribbon towards the top of the lantern

Inexpensive Christmas Decorating Ideas

Tea light candles floating in cranberries

Inexpensive Christmas Decorating Ideas

This year as Christmas cards come in punch a hole at the top corner of each of them. Use a ring to secure all Christmas cards and tie a decorative bow at the top.

Inexpensive Christmas Decorating Ideas

Create a great Christmas centerpiece with some ornaments and pine cones.

Inexpensive Christmas Decorating Ideas

In a large candle holder add Epsom salt, pine cones, and ornaments. You can do this in any color.

Inexpensive Christmas Decorating Ideas

Another great Christmas centerpiece… Submerged ornaments with floating candles.

Inexpensive Christmas Decorating Ideas

A really cute and inexpensive outside DIY decoration is Spindle Snowmen. Spindles are less than $5 at Lowes.

Inexpensive Christmas Decorating Ideas

Create a hot chocolate bar for Christmas morning. Really cute idea!