10 Ways to Reuse Popsicle Sticks

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Here are 10 clever ways to turn those extra popsicle sticks into useful everyday items.

10 Ways to Reuse Popsicle Sticks Image: Amаzon

Whether you’re a child or a grown adult, chances are that you love popsicles.  Popsicles are the perfect summertime treat because they’re cold and they come in thousands of flavors.  The only bad thing about them is that you end up with a single wooden stick, which ends up getting added to your community’s waste stream.

Instead of throwing these sticks away you can recycle them into something useful.  You can make crafts with your kids, or turn them into creative pieces of art like the following 10 examples.  See if you are inspired by these clever recycled popsicle stick creations.

1. Weaving Loom

10 Ways to Reuse Popsicle Sticks Image: flickr