7 Must Do’s While You’re Dating

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7 Must Do’s While You’re Dating

1. Get Raw Details Early On
It can take some time to find your soul mate. This could mean many dates with multiple people over a few years. My advice… Don’t waste your time. Ask the important questions within the first 3 dates. Religion, kids, where you want to live, dreams, career, politics, etc. If you can get this section right, everything else will be clockwork.

2. Be More Modest Than You Think You Should Be
If you marry this person, you’ll have a lifetime of nakedness, flirting, mooning, and maybe some inappropriate flashing. But don’t give up all of this fun while you’re dating. You might call me prude, but I think it’s just smart. Keep your first few years of marriage awesome. And naked.

3.В Be Exactly Who You Are
Sure, wear your best, smell like flowers and leather, but be yourself. Don’t sell a better, more organized, more thoughtful, more skanky, more wealthy version of yourself. Just be who you are. I promise it’s enough and if your partner is captivated by the real you, there is nothing better.