18 snake plants Tattoo ideas

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RARE Sansevieria ‘White Snake’ or ‘Bantel’s Sensation’ Snake Plant House Plant Air Purifier

RARE Sansevieria ‘White Snake' or ‘Bantel's Sensation' Snake Plant House Plant Air Purifier -   18 snake plants Tattoo ideas
via: etsy.me
SANSEVIERIA ‘WHITE SNAKE’/‘BANTEL’S SENSATION ‘ Sansevieria trifasciata variegata ‘White Snake’ USDA Zone Native to Africa, this sansevieria has a vertical white & green striped pattern on it’s 1-2” wide leaves that can grow up to 36” tall. The foliage on this plant is relatively flexible & thin compared to other sansevierias. During summer, she blooms tiny white fragrant flowers. You will receive a bare root plant from a 1 gallon pot. There are 2 plants in the pot posted in the pictures. You will receive 1 plant of similar size. The last picture is of Sansevieria ‘White Snake’ (this plant listing) with Sansevieria zeylanica. The two look amazing next to each other! SANSEVIERIAS ARE AMAZING PLANTS! They work as house plants and/or in containers outside. They’re EXTREMELY low maintenance. Perfect if you travel or have trouble remembering to water. Thrive in virtually any environment. No cleanup or grooming required. Repotting, when necessary, is extremely simple. Easy propagation. Purify the air. LET’S BREAK THIS DOWN — Sansevierias are currently one of the trendiest house plants for many reasons, but mostly because they require little to no maintenance. They will thrive in a room with very little sunlight OR directly in a window. They do well in offices, highly trafficked areas (building lobbies, entry ways, etc.), areas with little to no fresh air, dry air, heating, air conditioning … pretty much any and every environment! Sansevierias look good by themselves or in an arrangement. There are a ton of different varieties, so there are many options to choose from! Looking for a tall plant to stand in your window to block peering eyes from seeing in your home? Need a decorative piece on that shelf that’s further inside your room away from a window? What about a shorter, curly variety for your coffee table that will act as a conversation piece when guests come over? There’s a sansevieria for virtually any area of your home! Alone they have a bold, striking & masculine look with their stiff, striking leaves. While they have a modern, edgy feel on their own, sansevierias can become more feminine in an arrangement. They compliment virtually any other plant. Soften their look by adding your favorite succulent! I love to add a trailing plant, such as string of dolphins or sedum techtractinum. Sansevierias can be planted in arrangements with succulents, as their water habits are similar. Pair it with any other plant that thrives in a hot & dry environment that requires little water. MAINTENANCE Sansevierias require very little maintenance. To begin, they need to be watered once a month. Travel a lot? Perfect! Sansevierias are vegetation with very little commitment. No need for a plant sitter! You can leave these guys up to a month without watering them & they will be alive when you get home. This is possible because sansevierias are native to hot/dry environments. They store water in their leaves & roots, which allows for a significant amount of time between watering periods. With that being said, sansevierias do not like to sit in water, so pot you plant them in will need a drainage hole. If your decorative pot doesn’t have a hole you can drill one in it yourself OR find a plastic pot with a drainage hole that fits just inside your decorative piece, so you may remove to water. Once your plant has gotten it’s full of water & dried out, you may return it to it’s decorative home. Furthermore, they love dry air. Not a fan of constant humidity, so the bathroom wouldn’t be the best place for this guy. LIGHTING As far as lighting is concerned, sansevierias prefer medium light (10′ away from west or south facing window), they will tolerate high or low light. Talk about versatile! Just be sure to keep them away from direct sunlight, as they will burn quickly! TEMPERATURE Temperature is another area sansevierias could not be more versatile. They thrive in hot temperatures, while tolerating colder conditions as well. Freezing temps are their only kryptonite! Bring your sanses inside if the temperature gets below freezing! GROOMING Another amazing pro to having a sansevieria versus other house plants is there is NO CLEAN UP OR GROOMING needed! These leaves won’t fall off, so you don’t have to worry about picking any off your floor. These guys will keep your place nice & tidy! As far as grooming goes, dust your plants foliage off when necessary. PROPAGATION & REPOTTING Once your plant has made itself at home & is thriving in its new habitat, she will start to produce babies. Eventually, the babies will need to be repotted. How long before this happens? That all depends on how you’ve arranged your girl! If she’s in a crowded pot with other plants repotting could be several months away, where as if she’s in a larger pot by herself you might not need to move her or her children for several years! Speaking of babies, propagation doesn’t get any easier. You can remove a plant with its roots & repot it OR you can cut a piece of foliage off at an angle, let the leaf heal over several weeks & repot. AIR PURIFIER Just when you thought these guys couldn’t get any better — they also purify the air! Toxins are absorbed into their leaves & oxygen is released. Not only are these guys aesthetically pleasing, but they make the air healthier & easier to breathe!