How to Lose Weight Quickly and Safe

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How to Lose Weight Quickly and Safely (for Teen Girls): 13 Steps

If you are “pleasantly plump” or if you want to shed a few pounds and start loving your body like you know you can, your goals are in reach. Use this plan as a start. If you wish to lose more than 10-30 pounds, consult your doctor and nutritionist for a safe and healthy weight-loss program.

Part 1 of 3: Make a Diet


  1. How to Lose Weight Quickly and Safe

    Start with your diet. For fast results, you must change your eating habits. Because you want fast results, you must make some changes. However, just because you want to lose weight doesn’t mean you can’t eat.

    • In fact, you must eat in order to lose weight. Starving yourself causes your metabolism (the mechanism that burns fat) to go into hibernation, so that it can store up energy. This means that starving yourself is actually a really bad idea. You’ll do harm to your body and wonder why you’re not shedding pounds, even though you haven’t eaten anything.
    • It goes without saying, but you also don’t want to develop an eating disorder. Anorexia and Bulimia are serious conditions that need treatment. If you think you might have an eating disorder, tell someone you trust and seek help immediately. No amount of weight loss is worth jeopardizing your health.
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    Know and understand the food pyramid. Knowing how many servings of different types of food you should eat in a day is essential for healthy weight loss. You will need to eat and drink the following:

    • A glass of water or green tea before and after every meal to fill you up more so you don’t eat as much and the second to help digest the food faster.[1]:
    • Minimum 3 servings of fruit daily.
    • Minimum 4 servings of vegetables daily
    • 3-7 servings of protein[2] (meat, fish, etc.) and dairy (milk, cheese, yoghurt, etc.) daily
    • 3-5 servings of fats[3] (nuts, peanut butter, etc.) daily
    • Eat carbohydrates sparingly. Eating carbohydrates and sugars will make weight loss harder.
  3. How to Lose Weight Quickly and Safe

    Make menus for yourself. Know what foods you need not to eat and make healthy menus for yourself. Here are some suggestions on what you should eat.

    • Breakfast Ideas: Toast with your favourite spread; a banana (high in potassium[4]!); cereal with skimmed milk and fruit, etc.
    • Lunch Ideas: It’s best to bring your lunch from canteen but should be less of fat as you can become overweight by consuming it, as that’s always healthier than what you can buy at any canteen/tuck shop/cafeteria. Try a sandwich on wholegrain/whole wheat/multi-grain bread (Don’t use white bread – it’s bleached flour and contains very little nutrients) with lean chicken, ham or butter-fried egg (using butter to fry egg instead of oil); a salad with veggies (tomato, cucumber, lettuce, etc); a glass of milk; veggies (carrot sticks, celery, etc.
    • Snack Ideas: veggies and fruit; natural yogurt and berriesŠ’Ā ; a handful of nuts; veggies (like carrots, beans, snow peas) and low fat dip.
    • Dinner Ideas: One idea is: 1/2 veggies, 1/4 protein, 1/4 carbohydrates. If your parents make fatty foods for dinner, only have a little and make yourself a salad as well. If you’re cooking for yourself here’s some easy ideas: Some brown rice ( eating more lean meat than part carbohydrates helps); scrambled eggs; if you really can’t be bothered, just make yourself a sandwich or eat some fish (it’s high in omega 3 which is good for your brain).
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    Follow the basic rules of healthy eating:

    • Breakfast: Carbohydrates, fat, dairy
    • Lunch: Veggies, protein
    • Dinner: Protein, veggies, carbohydrates (small portion)
    • Snacks: Fruit, veggies, dairy, protein
    • For each meal, make the veggies the main part, then the protein, then the carbohydrates. There can be dairy with every meal, too.
    • A serving fits in the palm of your hand
  5. How to Lose Weight Quickly and Safe

    Drink lots of water! You should try to only drink water and unsweetened tea if you’re trying to lose weight. Water is the best liquid at keeping you hydrated and even helps keep your skin clear and zit-free!

    • Plus, drinking only water means that you won’t drink any sugar-water or energy drinks, which can contain up to 800 calories per drink. (Just think: half your daily calories in one drink!) Water is healthy, it tastes good, and it’s an essential part of keeping you trim.
    • If you find yourself hungry after every meal, drink a big glass of water or green tea (unsweetened) before each meal. It’ll help fill you up and doesn’t contain any extra calories.
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    Have it all, but in moderation. Don’t cut anything out completely. Eat everything in moderation. Eat unhealthy things like red meats once a week or once a month – you’ll enjoy them more anyway!

    • The only thing that you should cut out (if you’d like) is fast food (McDonald’s, Burger King, KFC, etc.), sweets (chocolate, candy, chips, pop, etc.), and other junk food (soft drinks, burgers, soft serves, etc.)
    • Fast food and sweets are not natural and are not healthy. McDonald’s soft serves are made from pig fat, KFC fries are fried in lard, and thick-shakes have pretty much no natural ingredients in them! Gross, right? It’s all preservatives and additives. At the end of the day, you know what is good for you and what isn’t.