16 diy projects To Make Money tips ideas

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17 Best Things for Kids to Make and Sell

17 Best Things for Kids to Make and Sell -   16 diy projects To Make Money tips ideas
17 Best Things for KIDS to Make and Sell! A great list of things to make and sell at school events or craft fairsall easy ideas anyone can do, from young kids to tweens to teens. Part of a series on ways to make extra money from home. | easy DIY projects to make money, essential oil & bath bomb ideas + best selling items! #moneymakingideas #makemoney #extracash For the second year in a row, my daughter is participating in a local event put on my town where vendors come together the first weekend in May to sell itemsit’s kind of like a street fair meets flea market. There are food trucks, craft items, pottery, jewelry, clothing, and more for sale at this young entrepeneur’s event. Last year my daughter sold brownies and lemonade. This year we are brainstorming what to have in her booth. I want her to be able to make it herself mostly but also be PROFITABLE. Introducing Kids to Money Making Crafts &