DIY: Confetti System Inspired Tissue Paper Tassel Garland

I thought it would be fun to make a little tissue paper tassel garland.  I loved it, so I thought I would share with you how I made it.  Enjoy!     

DIY: Confetti System Inspired Tissue Paper Tassel Garland  
     I originally was SO excited to use my Martha Stewart fringe scissors I purchased at Michaels, but they ended up not being able to cut deep enough … so, they will be saved for another day.  Regular scissors work great.  Also, I have been loving using  frameless cork panels as a safe work space for my craft projects.  It doesn’t hold onto liquid, and I can put hot things like my glue gun on it! 
  DIY: Confetti System Inspired Tissue Paper Tassel Garland  1. Take one piece of tissue paper (1 piece will make 4 tassels … I know!).  Fold it once lengthwise, then once widthwise, and one more time widthwise.

DIY: Confetti System Inspired Tissue Paper Tassel Garland   2. Cut little strips (this is your fringe) leaving 2in. of uncut tissue paper on the top.  Then unfold it once and cut down the middle. 
*make sure the “top” (2in. uncut portion) is on the fold . . . you will see why.
*If you have trouble cutting through all the layers of tissue, like I did, feel free to unfold it once and cut.  
  DIY: Confetti System Inspired Tissue Paper Tassel Garland  3. Take one of the halves and unfold it again, you should have 2 sections.  Then take the second halve and unfold it again.  One of them will need to be cut in half lengthwise to make 2 more sections.  You should end up with 4 separate sections.
* This is a good time to plug in your hot glue gun. DIY: Confetti System Inspired Tissue Paper Tassel Garland  4. Take each section one at a time and roll the center portion.  Make sure to not let the fringe get tangled as you roll.  It helps to gently run your fingers through the fringe as you roll.  Next, twist the center (the unfringy part…it’s a word…sure), till it looks like the last picture. DIY: Confetti System Inspired Tissue Paper Tassel Garland

5.  You’re almost there!  Take your tassel and fold it in half twisting the sides in opposite directions until it makes a little loop at the top.  Put a dot of glue from your hot glue gun on the spot indicated, and twist the two sides around each other. 
* Make sure to hold the glued portion together for a couple seconds to allow it to dry.  
Lastly, string and enjoy!
* If you are using something bigger than twine to hold your tassels, you will need to glue your tassels around it.  I made the tassels separately because I knew my twine would fit through the holes.