19 barbie dress For Kids ideas

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рџ‘— DIY Barbie Dresses Making Easy Clothes for Barbies Creative Fun

рџ‘— DIY Barbie Dresses Making Easy Clothes for Barbies Creative Fun -   19 barbie dress For Kids ideas
рџ‘— DIY Barbie Dresses Making Easy No Sew Clothes for Barbies Creative Fun for Kids – YouTubeAs you all know, I have a 6 year old daughter. This I something I have been meaning to do…make Barbie doll clothes. I do have a sewing machine. But I hate getting it out. It atm is blocking an outlet that protects josh from getting to it and pulling the plug on our AC. So anyways. Yes finally I have made time to create some quick and simple Barbie doll clothes that don’t make my daughters Barbies look like “sluts” yes I hate all the modern clothes. I like my Barbies to look well dressed. Hahaha! I did want to crochet them as well. Just like my mom used to do for us as kids. But that also takes up much time and my son would be like a cat…acting my yarn. I wanted to beable to do this while he was out and about. No needles and thread and all that. Just something basic. So below you will see some pictures. And explanation of each dress for the most part. On the silver dress I did see but you don’t have to. There are other ways. Anyways on with the No Sew This dress is one be cut out rectangle with two holes. You can cut the top part in a scope shape. The holes I just cut a lil niche and pulled and then rounded out the corners Here is how to put the dress on You wrap the holes over the arm further away. Or you crisscross it I suppose. The silver dress is a lil more work. I cut out a long triangular shape. Widest part being at her chest. From there I folded the fabric in half long way. And cut niches into 3/4 of the way down. I then folded it wrong way in half long ways and tied the niches together Tied up niches/knotted The back looks like this which isn’t that noticeable once the dress is on your Barbie. For the front I cut a small hole and a long stripe of the same fabric(old shirt scrapes I cut up for this whole thing) This next picture is to show how I made the loop. I pulled the long piece through as shown. Pulled tight To look like that in the front. If that doesn’t show in the front then you just have to put the loop in the left side and pull to the strands in to the left. Hope that makes sense. For the back part you could just tie a knot or bow in the back where my finger is. Or you could do shoulder straps (easier to get dress on and off) to do the this I sewed it because I cut my straps to short. But for the “no sew” you can cut holes and put straps threw and knot it. Then Done!!! Last but not least. The skirt. Up this was easy since this Barbie had a painted in top. I cut the sleeve of a shirt leaving the original hem on. Where my fingers are I put two holes just enough to go through one layer of the hem. Now I then used a bobby pin (you could also use a safety pin. I didn’t have one) And tie elastic to that and pub through one hole and make your way around and exit out the other hole. Slip Barbie into, now bunched up skirt, pull tight enough that it fits loose around waist (so when you go to take it off the elastic will stretch over Barbies hips and thighs) tie a double knot and Done! Bunch dress and tuck knot into hole to hide. Here I pull bunching put if you bunch it back up you don’t even see the elastic!!! Great huh?! Well that’s all!!! You can make the skirt longer or shorter or into a long maxi dress just pull up over her chest and cut enough length for the body. Also use a thinner sleeve, so to not have to much bunching. Tell me what you think! Do you have any no sew ideas? Any websites? Would love to see what you come up with. Enjoy and have a lovely day! Until next time!