19 diy thanksgiving cards easy ideas

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{SavourTheSeason} Day 4: Making Simple Thanksgiving Cards with Kids

{SavourTheSeason} Day 4: Making Simple Thanksgiving Cards with Kids -   19 diy thanksgiving cards easy ideas
We started with some real leaves, pressed between the pages of a book for a day or two. And painted on a concoction of glue and water (two parts white school glue + one part water = homemade “mod podge” like substance) to keep the leaves from getting too brittle. We set them on wax paper to dry overnight. We glued the leaves onto cards and wrote on our sentiments. We also cut little house-like shapes out of pretty scrapbooking papers to make colourful liners for the envelopes. It’s a reasonably un-messy craft that allows little ones to practice their handwriting and results in cute cards to deliver to loved ones on Thanksgiving Day…don’t you just love crafts that let you feel like momma-of-the-year for a few short minutes? Yeah…me too. [This is day 4 in a 31 day series about celebrating autumn. Click here for more fall inspiration!] Thanks so much for visiting The Complete Guide to Imperfect Homemaking. Please take a moment to “like” me on facebook or follow me on Twitter!