Abandoned Places

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18. City Hall Station – New York City, New York

Abandoned Places

City Hall Station was built in 1904 and closed in 1945 as only around 600 people used it only a daily basis.


19. Orpheum Auditorium – New Bedford, Massachusetts

Abandoned Places

This Auditorium opened on the same day that the Titanic sunk, April 15th, 1912. A supermarket now occupies some of the building, but the rest remains beautifully deserted.

April 15th 1912


20. Holy Land USA – Waterbury, Connecticut

Abandoned Places

Holy Land USA was a theme park based on passages from the Bible. At its peak in the 1960s and 70s, the park attracted around 40,000 visitors annually. It was closed down in 1984, though the grounds remain intact.
