Extraordinary Uses for 16 Ordinary Household Items

Extraordinary Uses for 16 Ordinary Household Items

More Extraordinary Uses for Ordinary Things: 1,715 All-New Uses for Everyday Things

Extraordinary Uses for 16 Ordinary Household Items Extraordinary Uses for 16 Ordinary Household Items

Here is an entirely new collection of 1,715 ingenious uses for items in your pantry that can save you hundreds of dollars, oodles of time, and lots of hassle-plus help the environment in the process. A team of researchers and writers were sent out to talk with chefs, landscapers, herbalists, pet-store owners, carpenters, decorators, and many more experts to find the very best tips and tricks for getting things done quicker, easier, cheaper-and by only using items already available around the house. Most of the solutions are accomplished without chemicals, therefore they are healthier for you, your family, and the environment.

The thirteen chapters focus on an integral part of everyday life. For the Cook: Learn how to extend the life of vegetables, tried-and-true methods for baking bread, and 10 kitchen uses for salt. For the Housekeeper: Discover faster, easier cleaning ideas, such as remove carpet stains with peanut butter, and 10 ways to clean with lemon. For the Handyman (or woman): Silence squeaky hinges with shaving cream, remove rust from tools by rubbing them with a slice of raw potato dipped in salt, and 10 neat home-repair uses for nail polish.

Filled with special features that will inform, instruct, and entertain- “Household Superstar!” details many uses for popular home ingredients; “Make Your Own” offers simple, natural recipes; “Curiosity Corner” lets you dip into a veritable grab bag of novelty ideas; and “What’s the Story?” brings you the surprising histories of household items.

2,317 Ways to Save Money and Time

Extraordinary Uses for 16 Ordinary Household Items

Discover ingenious ways to use or reuse more than 250 common household items to replace, restore, repair, or revive almost anything in your household—including yourself.

When you have a household problem, don’t run to the store and waste good money, just open your pantry door—and EXTRAORDINARY USES FOR ORDINARY THINGS. You’ll be amazed at what you can do with baby oil, bleach, duct tape, tea, rubbing alcohol, and dozens of other handy items. This book will open your eyes to over 2,300 creative and helpful uses you can make of familiar household products. You will discover how to save time and money with items in your pantry, medicine cabinet, wastebasket, and recycling bin that you can use to solve common household problems or to substitute for products that you would otherwise buy.

The over 2,300 extraordinary uses includes:

  • Aspirin can revive a dead car battery and a coating of petroleum jelly will keep the battery’s terminals from corroding
  • A dab of shaving cream can keep your bathroom mirror from fogging and can remove juice stains on carpeting
  • Petroleum jelly makes a great lip balm, makeup remover, and moisturizer
  • A turkey baster is the perfect tool for watering Christmas trees and hard-to-reach plants
  • Beer can be combed through your hair as a setting lotion, used as lure to trap insects, and polish gold jewelry
  • Sandpaper can be used to sharpen needles and scissors, roughen slippery soles of new shoes, remove ink stains and scuff marks from suede, and remove stains on grout lines
  • Wax paper will prevent a cast-iron skillet from rusting, restore the nonstick surface on your iron, and use on the bottom of a microwave when cooking messy foods

If you hate to throw things away or if you delight in dreaming up new ways to use ordinary items, then you’ll love the ideas in this book. You’ll be amazed at the problems you can solve. It’s a book you’ll be sure to turn to again and again for helpful ideas, trustworthy advice, and entertaining reading.