to get rid of the nasty black gunk in your drain: 1. Put a pot of water to boil.

to get rid of the nasty black gunk in your drain: 1. Put a pot of water to boil.

to get rid of the nasty black gunk in your drain: 1. Put a pot of water to boil.
2. Meanwhile pour baking soda down the drain. Baking soda has the ability to neutralize fatty acids so it will work and eating away the grime while you are waiting for the water to boil.
3. Once the water has reached a rolling boil remove it from the stove and pour it down the drain.
4. Let the water and baking soda work at decomposing and sterilizing the grime for 10 minutes.
5. After 10 minutes has expired pour 1 cup of bleach down the drain to completely kill any remaining mildew or bacteria.

Because we use our sinks multiple times on a daily basis I recommend repeating this process every few months. Repeating this process on a regular basis will keep the “creepy black stuff” from accumulating and clogging your sink. It will also keep the nasty mildew smell at bay.