5 moves to banish back fat

1. Frog Crunch on Stability Ball

For this move, you’ll lay on your stomach on top of the stability ball and pulse your legs up towards the ceiling, lifting your knees off the stability ball. Perform 12 reps of this move. Here’s how to do it!
5 moves to banish back fat

2. Back Extension

Get that stability ball back out and put it to work! You’ll strengthen your back and your core with this one. Do 12 reps. Click here to see how to do the back extension.
5 moves to banish back fat

3. Standing Resistance Band Row

If you have a resistance band handy, go ahead and use that! Do 12 reps. Click here to see how it’s done!
5 moves to banish back fat

4. Superman

Your arms and abs will be burning by the end of this move! You’ll feel it in your arms, lower lumbar muscles and abdominals. Try to hold it for a full minute, keeping your head up and your arms extended out in front of you. Do 12 reps. Click here for more instructions.
5 moves to banish back fat

5. Scorpion Twist

Feeling a little twisted today? Not only will this move strengthen your oblique abs, but it also works as an amazing stretch! Do 10 reps. Click here to learn how to do the scorpion twist.
5 moves to banish back fat