Carrot Easter Deco Mesh Wreath

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Step 5: Attach the strip to the frame work by weaving the open ends of the pipe cleaner through the bottom section of the frame work, then twist the pipe cleaner tightly to attach on the back side of the frame work. Approximately 6″ from the now attached end of the strip, add an additional pipe cleaner. Attach this pipe cleaner to the frame about 1/2″ from the first attached end, creating a loop.  Arrange the loop, twist the deco-mesh if needed to follow the natural curl, and add a final pipe cleaner to the open end, again, tucking under the end and attaching with a pipe cleaner. Again, attach approximately 1/2″ from the last attached end on the form, creating a loop. Tuck any open ends of deco-mesh strip.

This is what it will look like from the front..

Carrot Easter Deco Mesh Wreath

And from the back..

Carrot Easter Deco Mesh Wreath