Carrot Easter Deco Mesh Wreath

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Step 10: Attach the carrot “stem” using the tulle. I chose to stiffen the tulle first, as this wreath was going to be displayed outside. The humidity causes the tulle to go limp, especially if you are using a fairly fine mesh tulle, which is what I had on hand. To stiffen the tulle, begin my cutting your lengths of tulle. I used 8 lengths of tulle, approximately 20″ long. I then simply sprayed the lengths with a heavy starch and allowed to dry. If you live in a particularly damp or humid area, you could also used a thin layer of modge podge to stiffen the tulle as well – This is just not what I did.

Carrot Easter Deco Mesh Wreath

Step 11: When they were dry, I used the dark green pipe cleaners, cut in half, to attach the tulle to the frame. I folded the tulle strip in half and attached the pipe cleaner through the fold. I then attached the end to the frame just under the hanger and fluffed the ends.

Carrot Easter Deco Mesh Wreath