The Waltz – Camille Claudel – (1895) – Fascinated with stone and soil as a child

The Waltz – Camille Claudel – (1895) – Fascinated with stone and soil as a child

The Waltz – Camille Claudel – (1895) – Fascinated with stone and soil as a child, she studied at the AcadŠ“Ā©mie Colarossi with sculptor Alfred Boucher. (At the time, the Š“ā€°cole des Beaux-Arts barred women from enrolling to study.) The novelist and art critic Octave Mirbeau described her as “A revolt against nature: a woman genius” – After 1905 Claudel appeared to be mentally ill. She destroyed many of her statues, disappeared for long periods of time, and exhibited signs of paranoia