String Quilt Blocks Tutorial

Page 7 of 7

Step 6:

Now you’ll want to keep making string blocks until you have enough for your desired quilt size.

String Quilt Blocks Tutorial

Jack Dempsey Five Cross Stitch Hearts Quilt Block ...

Jack Dempsey Five Cross Stitch Hearts Quilt Block for Embroidery, 6 Count


  1. Each package contains 6 quilt blocks. formulated to wash out completely, leaving just your beautiful embroidery. Jack Dempsey Needle Art has been creating quality embroidery products in the USA.
  2. Preprinted cross stitch design on cotton/poly broadcloth. Recommendations are included on the package.
  3. Easily and simple to follow instructions with floss requirements. Great for a hand made gift. Additional materials needed to complete: backing, batting, hoop, needle and floss.
  4. Individual squares to embroider and join together to form a quilt top. This package contains six 18 inch white cotton/poly quilt blocks stamped with ink that washes out.
  5. Package features floss requirements and approx. quilt requirements. Use caution as any liquid will remove ink design.