12 fitness Couples benefits of ideas

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Couple’s Workout Routine

Couple's Workout Routine -   12 fitness Couples benefits of ideas
Partner Lower Body Moves with High Knees Pulsing Warrior 3. We love the benefits of working out as a couple, so created a 23-minute HIIT/Cardio/Strength workout with 18 dynamic and effective partner exercises for weight loss and strength training. Build muscle while building up your relationship. Click through to our blog and see all 18 GIFs of the full-body partner workout exercises and the video. Have fun! Good news for fitness fans: a new study suggests that those hours spent running or on your yoga mat in your 20s just may pay off in the form of better memory and overall cognitive function later in life. The study, published in the journal Neurology , measured the cardiovascular health of about 2,700 people who were between the ages of 18 and 30 way back in 1985 and 1986, when the study began. Researchers continued to assess the participants through regular treadmill tests over the course of 20 years; after 25 years, the participants were tested for verbal memory, psychomotor speed, and executive function. Even after accounting for variables like race, age, sex, and education, researchers found that those who were healthiest when the study began scored highest on the cognitive tests. What’s more, participants who were more fit at their 20-year treadmill test improved their psychomotor speed. So what does this mean?